Sunday 2 October 2011

Life is like blossoms..

Far away from my mother land, my heart was beating than its normal beats when I boarded into the British airways on 11th of September 2006 preparing myself for a new life ahead in the United Kingdom. I could see blurred face of my mom & dad waving hands and saying good bye to me at Delhi airport. The pretty air-hostess guided me to my sit. After 10 hours journey reached the city of spark, fashion and heritage. London a five letter word but the city wasn’t as small as its word. The Heathrow airport was too big to accumulate myself at a corner waiting for my university people to escort me to the campus,. Stranded for 1 hour at the airport met new friends from France, Germnay, India, US.
University of East London, always wonder how it would be studying with the different races. The 10 days induction was helpful to understand the rules and regulation of the place. Initial days of meeting people from all over the world were quite amazing; experiencing different culture, language & food was a mixed feeling. Day’s passes by life became full of activities with university curriculum, part time job and research. The constant struggle started giving me a nostalgic feeling being far away from the home. The climate itself was  depressing dark and cold throughout the year. I could not imagine living without sun, the only time my bone would receive some sun rays was sometime during the month of July and August. Darwin’s theory 'Struggle for existence' became my favourite quote to take life as easy I could. People with racist feeling, hypocrites, and druggist were all around in the East London. The vicinity dominated of South Asian and African people, being of my own was a adventurous experience all through. With the pace of time the place became my second home the Sudanees, Gambian, Kenayn, Ghanian families who always greet me with African food & culture. English families giving constant comfort and strength, friend’s emotional and moral support to move on and concentrate on University curriculum always praise within my heart. How can I overlook the constant prayers & wishes of my co-workers and fellow travellers? Because of whom I endure to be the person I am at present.

‘Yellow, blue, green, red, orange..

  Colours of life are beautiful
Ohh my bewilder heart let us cherish
The beauty all around us..
The colours might faded away
 Might appears blurred
But the essence will remain unchanged
Yellow, blue, green red, orange..
Let us celebrate this colourful life!’

With little angel (Adil and Nilofer) who brought constant smile on my face during the most toughest time of my life!!