I am writing this blog after three years post completion of my Doctorate degree. Life has changed a lot in this three years time. No more rushing of completing PhD research, no more relying on stipend money, no more a life of a student. Now I see myself where I always dreamed to be a Professor of Anthropology. I teach my students all those experience I have had through out my anthropological journey. It feels like a perfect lane with lovely small plants nurturing them to grow. Feels like plenty of sunshine and hopes.
It was mid March relaxing with glass of wine over the weekend suddenly received a mail from my University that there is a call for Country level Lockdown to avoid spread of COVID19. The whole evening turn out to be a party night for the celebration. There was absolutely no clue of what waiting ahead for all of us. First one week went on following news and update on COVID19 and the politics behind the entire Pandemic. The growing chaos globally made me weaker day by day. I would seat on my couch for hours thinking where we human being have reached? After so much innovation and scientific discovery human race today in 2020 has failed to fight against a virus that has already killed half of human race. My thoughts did not restrict there itself. I was amused to see how fellow human being behave with one another in this difficult time of survival. Some of them discriminated fellow human being in the name of religion for the cause of spread of virus. Some of them discriminated in the name of class and power. Fascism of politicians were reaching heights by clapping, banging bells and lighting candles to gain world championship, without showing much of compassion to the poor minorities struggling to survive every single day. The endless discrimination goes without a pause on thinking there are also true pandemic warriors who are going beyond their capacity to help diseased to survive.
Today when I look back and see my journey I feel lame being a mere spectator being lockdown in a two bedroom flat. The entire lockdown period just echoed one thing 'we human being are the most selfish living being in this earth. The entire human race got paid for its unworthy life in this earth'. I must say this lockdown has truly taught me to be compassionate towards every living being in this earth no matter how ugly it looks or how smelly it is every living being share this ecosystem. Let human race learn to give more that they have ripped every bit of this ecosystem.