Tuesday 16 August 2011

We don't need more..

A day at Jamungarh village, Simlipal

It was mid afternoon when four vehicles full with people from Jashipur town smartly dress, bag full with files & camera ,reached the green lane of Jamunagarh village in Simlipal core area, Mayurbhanj. Kids with locally made flower/orchids bouquet & cheer full face welcomed us. The place looked all the more green and stunningly beautiful than my last visit. Women, kids and old men are ready to express themselves to us. The green branches, fresh air, the maize field were busy singing their daily songs & try saying something in my ear. My bewilder mind was trying to figure it out what is that I keep getting attracted to the place & the people living here? My heart was half empty listening to the people plight, which was not many “all that we want little peace give us our right in our ancestral place, we do not want to leave our father & mother buried deep under the ground here” says the voices…
The old women gleefully took me around to demonstrate her beautiful kitchen garden, maize field, the tall Sal trees, which were waiting to serve us food on its green leafs. The smell of cooked lentils, mash potato & mushroom curry made me mesmerized. Come sit here madam! says the old men with a very warm voice serving me hand full of warm cooked rice, lentils, mushroom curry, and mash potato all collected from forest & cultivated in their land. With pinch of salt, half cut onion, lemon & green chili... towards the end while finishing the food all I could hear one voice 'WE DON’T NEED MORE….'

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