Thursday 4 December 2014


I felt existence in their smile
Last night I was asked what existence is.
I slept off with confusion; I woke up with a smiling face..
My heart ponders with thoughts saying how beautiful existence is
Existence is in the lap of my mother
Existence is in the smile of a child

I felt existence holding the newly born calf
Existence is in the touch of a wrinkled hand of elderly
Existence is in holding a new born baby
Existence is in holding a newly born calf
Existence is in smelling the earth as the first rain drench it
Existence is in walking bare feet on the dew drops inside the forest
Existence is in the touch of your lover after meeting years together
Existence is within us, it is everywhere…

Siddhartha once said 'Stop searching, Stop worrying, Everything returns!!!Give Love....'

I felt existence in her wrinkled touch and smile


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